Our Team


Lexington’s professionals are among the most experienced in the global secondary, co-investment, and primary markets. Our team has completed over 650 secondary transactions, 500 co-investments and 650 primary fund commitments, acquiring global private equity and alternative investments with a total value in excess of $83 billion, including syndications.

  • Title
  • All
  • Partner
  • Managing Director
  • Director
  • Vice President
  • Senior Associate
  • Associate
  • Analyst
  • Research Analyst
  • Senior Advisor
  • Group
  • All
  • Secondary
  • Co-investment
  • Investor Relations
  • Operations
  • Legal and Compliance
  • Senior Advisors
  • Location
  • All
  • Boston
  • Hong Kong
  • London
  • Luxembourg
  • Menlo Park
  • Miami
  • New York
  • Santiago
  • São Paulo
  • Singapore
Wilson Warren
Partner & PresidentNew York
Secondary Investment Professionals
Mark Andrew
Secondary Investment Professionals
Kirk Beaton
Secondary Investment Professionals
Charles Bridgeland
Secondary Investment Professionals
Christophe Browne
Secondary Investment Professionals
Lutz Fuhrmann
CIP Investment Professionals
Anthony Garton
Investor Relations
Thomas Giannetti
PartnerNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Matt Hodan
PartnerMenlo Park
Secondary Investment Professionals
Timothy Huang
PartnerHong Kong
Secondary Investment Professionals
Jennifer Kheng
PartnerMenlo Park
Secondary Investment Professionals
John Lee
PartnerHong Kong
Secondary Investment Professionals
John Loverro
PartnerNew York
CIP Investment Professionals
Tom Newby
PartnerMenlo Park
Secondary Investment Professionals
Bart Osman
PartnerNew York
CIP Investment Professionals
David Outcalt
PartnerNew York
CIP Investment Professionals
Clark Peterson
PartnerNew York
Secondary Investment Professionals
James Pitt
CIP Investment Professionals
Pål Ristvedt
Secondary Investment Professionals
Taylor Robinson
PartnerNew York
Secondary Investment Professionals
John Rudge
PartnerNew York
Secondary Investment Professionals
Jose Sosa del Valle
Secondary Investment Professionals
Craig Stevenson
PartnerNew York
CIP Investment Professionals
Victor Wu
PartnerNew York
Secondary Investment Professionals
Alexandra Balmaseda
Managing DirectorNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Jeffrey Bloom
Managing DirectorNew York
Secondary Investment Professionals
Guillaume Caulier
Managing DirectorLondon
Secondary Investment Professionals
Emily Elliot
Managing DirectorNew York
Investor Relations
Stephanie Falahee
Managing DirectorBoston
Accounting and Fund Administration
Peter Grape
Managing DirectorBoston
Secondary Investment Professionals
Omar Jabri
Managing DirectorNew York
CIP Investment Professionals
Jason Kahn
Managing DirectorNew York
Legal and Compliance
Christopher Kunz
Managing DirectorNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Artur Mlotkowski
Managing DirectorNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Simon Oak
Managing DirectorNew York
Secondary Investment Professionals
Vincent Pileggi
Managing DirectorNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Cullen Schannep
Managing DirectorMenlo Park
Secondary Investment Professionals
Michael Skelly
Managing DirectorNew York
Secondary Investment Professionals
Philip Smelt
Managing DirectorLondon
CIP Investment Professionals
Renato Weiss
Managing DirectorSão Paulo
Secondary Investment Professionals
Kelly Abrahamsen
DirectorNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Emilio Aldunate
Investor Relations
Robert Burgren
DirectorMenlo Park
Secondary Investment Professionals
Erica Castle
DirectorNew York
Investor Relations
Sarah Cherian
DirectorNew York
Secondary Investment Professionals
Kevin Collins
DirectorNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Sofia Falcão
CIP Investment Professionals
Brian Gerspach
DirectorNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Emma Inger
Secondary Investment Professionals
Donald Norton
DirectorNew York
Investor Relations
Jacob Rawel
Secondary Investment Professionals
Elizabeth Richards
DirectorNew York
Legal and Compliance
Niklas Risberg
DirectorHong Kong
Secondary Investment Professionals
Vanessa Rocchi
Secondary Investment Professionals
Yunyan Sang
DirectorHong Kong
Secondary Investment Professionals
Haroon Saqib
DirectorNew York
Secondary Investment Professionals
Juan Savino
Investor Relations
Gus Thompson
DirectorNew York
Secondary Investment Professionals
Rebecca Weisel
DirectorNew York
Investor Relations
Jeffrey Aragones
Vice PresidentNew York
Information Technology
Megan Blier
Vice PresidentNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Thomas Cook
Vice PresidentNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Nicholas Della Pelle
Vice PresidentNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Thomas Dunn
Vice PresidentLondon
Secondary Investment Professionals
Gabrielle Faella
Vice PresidentNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Alexis Godefroy
Vice PresidentLuxembourg
Legal and Compliance
Kevin Godin
Vice PresidentBoston
Secondary Investment Professionals
Thomas Heck
Vice PresidentLondon
Secondary Investment Professionals
Syed Hyat
Vice PresidentNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Alex Kim
Vice PresidentNew York
Secondary Investment Professionals
John Kim
Vice PresidentHong Kong
Secondary Investment Professionals
Andrew LaBell
Vice PresidentNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Katie Lill
Vice PresidentNew York
Investor Relations
Wayne Lin
Vice PresidentMenlo Park
Secondary Investment Professionals
Scarlett Meadows
Vice PresidentLuxembourg
Accounting and Fund Administration
Joshua Oberman
Vice PresidentNew York
CIP Investment Professionals
Alexander Ogura
Vice PresidentNew York
Secondary Investment Professionals
Neal Patel
Vice PresidentNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Linh-Giang Pham
Vice PresidentLuxembourg
Accounting and Fund Administration
Katherine Ross Bengtsen
Vice PresidentNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Deepa Thimmapaya
Vice PresidentNew York
Legal and Compliance
Daniel Tzortzatos
Vice PresidentNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Eugene Wang
Vice PresidentNew York
CIP Investment Professionals
Richard Whalen
Vice PresidentNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Elle Wilkinson
Vice PresidentNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Dan Carter
Senior AssociateNew York
Legal and Compliance
Serena Chan
Senior AssociateHong Kong
Secondary Investment Professionals
Marina Eng Pliaskis
Senior AssociateNew York
Legal and Compliance
Joakim Jespersen
Senior AssociateLondon
CIP Investment Professionals
Katherine Kane
Senior AssociateNew York
Legal and Compliance
Julia Kashkina
Senior AssociateLuxembourg
Legal and Compliance
Kaela Kennedy
Senior AssociateNew York
Investor Relations
Taline Lahcanski
Senior AssociateNew York
Legal and Compliance
Julius Lembke
Senior AssociateNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Jonathan Livers
Senior AssociateNew York
Secondary Investment Professionals
Helena Marin
Senior AssociateLondon
Secondary Investment Professionals
Pedro Mendes
Senior AssociateSão Paulo
Secondary Investment Professionals
Ellen Min
Senior AssociateHong Kong
Secondary Investment Professionals
Matthew Rabe
Senior AssociateNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Nicholas Rizik
Senior AssociateMenlo Park
Secondary Investment Professionals
Charlie Rowe
Senior AssociateNew York
Secondary Investment Professionals
Scott Rubinstein
Senior AssociateNew York
Secondary Investment Professionals
Yannick Struijk
Senior AssociateLondon
Secondary Investment Professionals
Robert Tough
Senior AssociateLondon
Accounting and Fund Administration
Laura Watters
Senior AssociateNew York
Investor Relations
Naira Abdula
Secondary Investment Professionals
Kimi Ampolu
AssociateNew York
Investor Relations
Jeremy Benjamin
AssociateNew York
Secondary Investment Professionals
Jahnvi Bhakta
AssociateMenlo Park
Secondary Investment Professionals
Ethan Boone
AssociateMenlo Park
Secondary Investment Professionals
Bianca Borgella
AssociateNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Chen Chen Zhang
AssociateNew York
CIP Investment Professionals
Peter Conklin
AssociateNew York
CIP Investment Professionals
Ryan Connolly
AssociateNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Jocelyn Ding
AssociateHong Kong
Secondary Investment Professionals
Inara Haque
AssociateNew York
Secondary Investment Professionals
Sam Kampner
AssociateMenlo Park
Secondary Investment Professionals
Nikki Lahiri
CIP Investment Professionals
Ari Lichy
AssociateNew York
Investor Relations
Ryan Lunny
AssociateNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Connor Mick
AssociateNew York
Secondary Investment Professionals
Jamie Moir
Secondary Investment Professionals
Sherlyn Muliadi
AssociateHong Kong
Secondary Investment Professionals
Dominic Pannozzo
Secondary Investment Professionals
Erin Parker
AssociateNew York
Investor Relations
Andrea Peraza
AssociateNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Suraj Ramkumar
AssociateMenlo Park
Secondary Investment Professionals
Bernard Rebecchi
AssociateNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Nirav Shah
AssociateNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Saagar Shah
AssociateNew York
CIP Investment Professionals
Adelaide Winton
AssociateNew York
Investor Relations
Jennifer Yates
AssociateNew York
CIP Investment Professionals
Mark Agostinelli
AnalystNew York
Investor Relations
Rachel Blumenthal
AnalystNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Mathews Chacko
System AdministratorNew York
Information Technology
Matt Haldeman
AnalystNew York
Investor Relations
Paige Herling
AnalystNew York
Investor Relations
Rebekah Horton
AnalystNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Katie Hurdman
AnalystNew York
Investor Relations
Sarah Jackman
AnalystNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Sadia Jiban
AnalystNew York
Investor Relations
Meaghan LaSorsa
AnalystNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
John MacEachern
AnalystNew York
Legal and Compliance
Saalim Muhammad
AnalystNew York
Information Technology
Sammy Somple
AnalystNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Brooke Van Waalwijk
AnalystNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Tatum van Willingh
AnalystNew York
Information Technology
Allis Bhiman
Research AnalystNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Julie Cabrera
Research AnalystNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Nina Cebenko
Research AnalystNew York
Investor Relations
Jem Elsom
Research AnalystNew York
Secondary Investment Professionals
Rima Parikh
Research AnalystNew York
Accounting and Fund Administration
Jasjit Bhattal
Senior AdvisorSingapore
Lee Tesconi
Senior AdvisorBoston

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